Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?

You can fill out our interest form to receive email updates. If you can’t make it to our first meeting of the quarter, drop by any Monday at 6pm (same link as above); we’re happy to get new members any time, and we don’t have a formal application. Email us at if you have any questions!

What about COVID-19? Is BEAM still active?

Yes! We taught all of our lessons virtually over Zoom throughout the 2020-2021 school year and kept up with a hands-on format by delivering supplies to our schools. If necessary we will return to this format for the 2021-2022 school year but we are currently working on getting access to our LAUSD sites for in-person site visits.

Why should I join BEAM?

If you like working with kids, enjoy science, and want to meet some awesome new people then this is the club for you! Being involved with BEAM is a great way to give back to the LA community and mentor the next generation of scientists and engineers. We have fun seeing our students at site every week, and we host socials every quarter to foster community within our club.

I’m not an engineering major, can I still join BEAM?

Yes! BEAM is open to all majors, and we want to show students that science is for everyone! All the material we teach is geared towards 4th and 5th graders, and we go over each week’s lesson before teaching it; don’t worry if you’ve forgotten the material!

When/where do you meet?

We have weekly curriculum meetings Tuesdays from 6-7pm PT over Zoom (previously in Boelter 7702). We spend these meetings preparing our lesson for the week and working on any new curriculum needed. Every Thursday and Friday, we teach our lesson plans to students from 3pm to 4pm PT. Current participating schools are Melrose Elementary School and Crescent Heights Elementary School but we are also working on expanding!

How much of a time commitment is BEAM?

We have 1-hour curriculum meetings each week and two separate hour-long site visits (plus an hour of travel time each way in non-COVID times). Members usually choose one site visit that works with their schedule. However, we know students are busy! If you need to miss meetings occasionally, we totally understand. If you can’t make the Thursday or Friday site visits for a quarter, we still encourage you to come to curriculum meetings and stay involved!

Do I need to transport myself to site visits?

Nope! We rent cars through UCLA and one of our members with a license drives everyone to site visits.